5秒AI速成 | 概念美术场景-恐怖巨物在画布上屹立(附描述语分享)
5秒AI速成 | 概念美术场景-恐怖巨物在画布上屹立(附描述语分享)

5秒AI速成 | 概念美术场景-恐怖巨物在画布上屹立(附描述语分享)


🖌️图1:((dark fantasy)),(beauty horror),ancient Chinese myth,A one-eyed creature similar to a bat,gigantic,Megalophobia,dark,near to jungle,Green mist,glowing purple pupil,eating human,human corpses on the ground
模型: 增强XL 1.0     优化模版:概念美术场景
创意描述度: 8         创作计算步数: 30

🖌️图2:((dark fantasy)),(beauty horror),ancient Chinese myth,A Three-eyed flying creature,gigantic,Megalophobia,dark,massive beak,glowing red pupil,eating human,human corpses and blood on the ground
模型: 增强XL 1.0     优化模版:概念美术场景
创意描述度: 8         创作计算步数: 30

🖌️图3:((dark fantasy)),(beauty horror),ancient Chinese myth,A one-eyed creature similar to a Treant,gigantic,Megalophobia,dark,jungle,cyan mist,glowing green pupil,eating human,human corpses on the ground
模型: 增强XL 1.0     优化模版:概念美术场景
创意描述度: 8         创作计算步数: 30
